psrs drum jam tracks

IT’S SPRING BREAK! While we would love to be hanging at the MTV Beach House watching Radiohead, instead we’re hunkering down for what will hopefully be our last lockdown. But what a perfect time to practice!

Here at PSRS we firmly believe that RHYTHM IS KING. It doesn’t matter how many flashy licks or speedy scales you can play - if you can’t play them in time and groove with your band, it’s going to sound terrible. And how do we practice our rhythm when we’re alone, you may ask? Oh god, please don’t say the dreaded M word!

Don’t worry. We’re here to save you from that nightmare. Introducing our PSRS DRUM JAM TRACKS. Custom made drum tracks for you to practice/jam with, at a ton of different tempos. Our students use these to jam at home and they often serve as inspiration for an original song.

So grab your instrument, click on the image below and start jamming. You’ll be amazed at how much more fun (and productive) your practice sessions will become.



PS : We all have that friend with no groove. Send them these tracks. Together, we can help make “groovelessness” a thing of the past.


new original songs!


red moon x gibson x ziggy marley